Sunday, May 25, 2008

I Just Can't Believe It...

And you'll probably hear me saying that ALOT over the next few years... or at least until I can pull it together enough to move to Idaho.
Isn't she just... well, I'll let her mommy explain. Here is Whit's totally acapella version of a very familiar and much loved song... with a twist.

Meanwhile, for your viewing pleasure...

Well... isn't she?


=w= said...

Oh Jannet ... she's gorgeous!!! You're such a lucky one!!

Anonymous said...

Wah! I can't get Whitney's song to play. It doesn't really matter, though. I'm too caught up in Jade's pictures. She really is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Whitney's song is absolutely lovely! She has a beautiful voice. And Jade - oh my goodness - she is gorgeous! She has spectacular eyes and that shot of her in the little Hawaiian dress with the flower in her hair - that's just precious!

molnar ramblings said...

Jannet, she is absolutely beautiful! I actually know how hard it is to not see them grow each day or even weekly. Just love the Internet and Whitney for sharing!
Your pictures just caught such a swetheart!!!

Aaron, Whitney, and kids said...

Yes I did put the book back together, and now I just have to find the 5th pink seahorse. She's hiding it somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I FLOVE that pic of her in the Hawaiian dress! SO CUTE. I must ask her where she got it. : )

Thanks for sharing.