Friday, May 9, 2008

I LOVE Mother's Day and Photoshop...

This started out as just a little Photoshop excercise but as I was working on it I had an unexpected lightbulb moment which had something to do with raising kids and going through all the little day to day moments for years on end.

Sometimes, if you're not watching carefully you can miss all those subtle little changes they are going through that will eventually bring them to the person they will become. And then one day you sit back, scratch your head and wonder how it could have possibly gone by so fast and how they got there and wish so much that you could be back there doing it all over again.

So remember to take the moments to look closely.

Thank you to Jade for assisting me in this brief (clickable) demonstration...

Just take joy in the moment to moment. I know you do! You're such a wonderful mommy!

Oops, I don't know how that one slipped in there. But not to worry, it happens from time to time.

It's all good... and wonderful!

Happy 1st Mother's Day Whitney!!!

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